Not interested in political debates but Tina Fey's "B*tches get Sh*t Done" was hysterical.
We will be adding new songs all the time, leave suggestions in the cbox!
Wednesday, February 27
Just To Keep Up
Contributed by Websketch (Web Sass) 0 opinions
Tuesday, February 26
Previously UN-posted
I wrote this awhile ago when looking for Mari Sangiovanni's book Welcome to Jamaica...Wish You Were Queer. I was so angry at the time, I could not post it. I am still reading the book, it's funny and warm, I like it but I cannot seem to focus long enough to finish it. Or for that matter, long enough to blog. In my previous post I talked about my current project and explained how it is consuming my time. I am sure that I made it that way. It was a smaller project but some of the responses I got from the actors encouraged me to make it larger, more spectacular. I am not sure I should have. Now I have lots, and I mean lots of unfinished posts. I need more information to complete them and that information is personal and well you can't get blood from a stone. I want to encourage readers to have more interest, more excitement and I am not sure how to do that. We have a lot of visitors but most choose to stay anonymous. They don't log in to the chat, or leave comments or even hang out long enough to answer polls. What is the secret to keeping readers interested? Surely it cannot be the mundane ramblings of the daily events in my life...That bores even me. But nevertheless what follows here is one day in my often frustrating journey. Have a wonderful day and keep the faith that my ever growing project will come to fruition soon, and you, the reader, will be pleased.
I am perturbed. I am usually a patient person. I say usually because sometimes I just “want it now.” I have been an Internet user for close to 15 years now and I guess I got lazy. I do a lot of online purchasing for many products. Some health care items, gifts, clothing, novelty, collectibles, DVD’s and of course books. Amazon has become my bookseller of choice and you can find almost everything there, even used copies which for me is great as I rarely read a book twice. But lately I have noticed I read less. At least in hard copy. I must read for at least a third of my day online but cannot seem to get through my long anticipated copy of Celebrity Detox to save my life. I recently became disgusted while visiting my local library as mentioned in a previous post you can find here. Written because of the serious lack of gay and lesbian titles available to our communities youth through the library.
A library is supposed to be a community service, but one disheartening scan of our library’s less than minimal lesbian/gay section left a bit of a sting. Since most of my books etc. have been found through Amazon but today the “I want it now” monster in me said “Just go to Barnes & Noble down the street.” So I did, and got a full blown slap in the face. The GLBT section consisted of only GL and less than thirty books combined.
I was shocked. Especially considering they brag about their “large- women’s studies” section. Ha! Disgusted, I left and drove the additional eight miles to the nearest Borders.
Pleasantly surprised at the almost two hundred books available I found the one I wanted, but I was purchasing their LAST copy. Apparently I have been misguided and sheltered by the Internet world, and received a real eye opener to the truth, once I ventured “out there”. My opinion of Barnes & Noble took a nasty dive today and I thought I should share my unfortunate lesson with everyone. Better luck to you all in your quest for your desired reading material.
Contributed by Websketch (Web Sass) 3 opinions
Saturday, February 23
This has been a busy month and I feel bad about not having more posts. We are working on a huge project to promote some very worthy films. Soon we will be opening a new page attachment to Bee Haven called Bee Project made just for the promotion of Lesbian film making. We will be profiling over a dozen actresses/writer/directors and 3 movies at this time and the project centered around the one actress in all three endeavors. That actress is Cathy DeBuono.
Cathy has been in this business for awhile and she has branched out from being just an actress to producing and writing and photography. Cathy is a multi faceted woman and certainly worthy of promotion. And she happens to be really down to earth and sweet as well. Also a few of the other actresses are in more than one of the projects as well. Jessica Graham and Jill Bennett are in two of the films. These are some busy women, busy working on lesbian visibility in our community. Both Cathy and Jill have weekly vlogs on After Ellen and are both in the new webisodes called 3way. Jessica has been busy making one film after another. We have a lot of admiration for these women and therefore have been working hard on this new page. We are excited and hope that you will be also. Keep checking back for the opening, you won't be disappointed.
Contributed by Websketch (Web Sass) 1 opinions
Labels: actress, Cathy DeBuono, director, Jessica Graham, Jill Bennett, multi faceted, visibility, writer
Some Everyday Gift Ideas
Charcoal on Paper

Reminds Me of EZ